Kids will get to do all of these things during our upcoming Saturday camps (starting this weekend -- you still have time to sign your camper up.) In the summer, we will explore even more cutting edge technology with camps that focus on everything from 3-D Printers to 3-D Video Games.
When kids participate in hands-on activities, they are more likely to build on these positive experiences and embrace science and technology in school, leading to higher grades and a more enriching experience all around. This gives them a wider pool of opportunities for success in the future workforce.
A number of our upcoming summer camps are tailored specifically towards encouraging girls to get excited about STEM topics by exploring the scientific side of things they are already interested in. For instance our Selfie Photoshop camp teaches how to use photo editing software, and our Girl's Rock! camp uses jewelry making with natural materials as a gateway into the world of geology.
I hope to see you all this Saturday for:
Anime Character Drawing (Grades 7-8)
LEGO Robotic Elephant (Grades 4-6)
LEGO Sports Car Camp (Grades 4-6)
LEGO Flight Camp (Grades 1-3)
Or this summer, when we will be offering over 50 camps tailored to kids and teens grades 1-12.
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